Today I Learned - setfacl

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setfacl is a command-line utility in Linux/Unix systems used to set Access Control Lists (ACLs) on files and directories. ACLs provide a more flexible permission mechanism than the traditional owner-group-other model. They allow for the assignment of specific permissions to individual users or groups beyond what the basic file system permissions support.

setfacl [options] [permissions] file/directory


  • -m: Modify or add an ACL entry.
  • -x: Remove an ACL entry.
  • -b: Remove all ACL entries.
  • -k: Remove the default ACL.
  • -R: Apply recursively to directories.


Let’s do a short test in our lab. First, the root user creates a new text file, file.txt. Only root can write to this file:

root@dfir:/tmp# ls -l file.txt 
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Dec 15 13:39 file.txt

Checking the ACL permissions with getfacl, again, only root has write access to this file:

root@dfir:/tmp# getfacl file.txt 
# file: file.txt
# owner: root
# group: root

The general format for setting a new ACL with setfacl is u:<user>:<permissions> or g:<group>:<permissions>. For example:

setfacl -m u:malmoeb:rw file.txt

This command gives the user malmoeb read and write permissions on file.txt. ls -l will now show a + at the end of the permissions to indicate there are extended ACLs:

malmoeb@dfir:/tmp$ ls -l file.txt 
-rw-rw-r--+ 1 root root 8 Dec 15 13:41 file.txt

And getfacl adds another line with the permissions for malmoeb:

malmoeb@dfir:/tmp$ getfacl file.txt 
# file: file.txt
# owner: root
# group: root

The user malmoeb, although not the owner of this file, nor in a group that has write permissions over this file, can write to file.txt:

malmoeb@dfir:/tmp$ echo "" > file.txt 
malmoeb@dfir:/tmp$ cat file.txt

Even if a file’s traditional chmod permissions are restrictive, ACLs can override them and grant access to additional users.


You probably see where we’re heading to. However, setfacl is not installed out-of-the-box on a freshly installed Ubuntu box:

root@dfir:~# setfacl -m u:malmoeb:rwx file.txt
Command 'setfacl' not found, but can be installed with:
apt install acl

An attack that gained root on a Linux box (at least on newer Ubuntu hosts) would have to first install the package acl or bring the binaries from another source to the compromised server. Probably (at least from my point of view) the easiest escalation path (or backdoor) is to change the permissions of the /etc/passwd file, in order for our low-priv user to write to.

root@dfir:/tmp# setfacl -m u:malmoeb:rw /etc/passwd

We are giving our malmoeb user now write rights over the /etc/passwd file, and setting our UID to zero:

root@dfir:/tmp# tail /etc/passwd

Voilà - we are root:

root@dfir:/tmp# su malmoeb
root@dfir:/tmp# id
uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root),100(users)


Elastic has a detection for the (ab-)use of the setfacl command:

process where host.os.type == "linux" and event.type == "start" and
event.action in ("exec", "exec_event", "executed", "process_started") and == "setfacl" and not (
  process.command_line == "/bin/setfacl --restore=-" or
  process.args == "/var/log/journal/"

Run the LinPEAS script (LinPEAS is a script that searches for possible paths to escalate privileges on Linux/Unix*/MacOS hosts) regularly on your Linux servers, and check the output carefully. Get rid of as many low-hanging fruits as you can. Below is the relevant snippet from the LinPEAS script:

getfacl linpeas check

Figure 1: LinPEAS getfacl check


setfacl is a powerful tool for managing Access Control Lists (ACLs) on Linux/Unix systems, offering flexibility beyond traditional file permissions. By allowing granular control over file and directory access, it opens possibilities for both legitimate use and exploitation.

To mitigate risks, defenders should regularly audit their systems using tools like LinPEAS, monitor for unusual activity involving setfacl, and minimize the presence of unnecessary tools like the acl package on sensitive systems.

Here is another excellent article about how to manage ACLs on Linux.