FIRST Conference: (Advanced) Purple Teaming - BlueTeam Edition

Table of Contents


How do the bad guys can breach our defenses so fast? In this training, we will touch on different advanced topics that will give you a better understanding of how attacks are carried out and how we can protect ourselves better against them.

  • Windows Credentials: The various forms of credentials and how they are used during authentication. We will learn how attackers can steal these credentials and move laterally with these credentials.
  • Active Directory: Advanced attacks like Abusing GenericALL / WriteDACL and Delegations
  • AV Evasion: It’s easier than you might think
  • AMSI: Background and internals of the mighty Anti-Malware-Scan-Interface
  • Meet the Shellcode Runners: How to create malicious documents and files which will infect our lab machines
  • Process Injection: And how to stay under the radar once the infection occurred
  • Bypassing Applocker: If time permits, we will dig into the art of bypassing Applocker to learn how to protect it better.

Source: FIRST

(Advanced) Purple Teaming - BlueTeam Edition

Figure 1: (Advanced) Purple Teaming - BlueTeam Edition


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